You know, I think everyone underestimated dear old Manto back in the day. Here we were thinking she was just a crazy woman spouting off about beetroot, but if you think about it, she probably just discovered my all-time favourite juice combo ahead of the pack. Clearly a woman of great wisdom... ;-)
I love visiting markets over weekends and a particular favourite of mine is in Stellenbosch - just big enough to have enough variety in stalls and produce, but at the same time it's got that small-town vibe which I particularly love. It's just to easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of some of the bigger markets!
I love visiting markets over weekends and a particular favourite of mine is in Stellenbosch - just big enough to have enough variety in stalls and produce, but at the same time it's got that small-town vibe which I particularly love. It's just to easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of some of the bigger markets!
The few times we've been we've tried various eats - from chorizo filled ciabattas baked in a pizza oven for that chargrilled taste, to sweetly-crisp Dutch stroopwafels, an array of dips, artisan cheeses (oh how I love cheese!), freshly made falafels wrapped in soft pita bread and of course TheHusband had to try german sausage on a breadroll at least once. Have I told you he's a bit of a hotdog slut? Well, the secret is out.
But my favourite part (and I suspect his favourite part as well, judging by the commentary afterwards) is the liquid refreshments on offer at the Fresh Goods Market.
Granted, the selection of drinks on offer is pretty limited and not nearly as varied as the food you'll find there. But when you've got home brewed beer on tap for TheHusband and freshly juiced vegetable and fruit juices to please my palate, well, then you've pretty much got all bases covered. I've tried a few of the juices at the juice stall (Dr Juice I think they're called) and while none of them have been anything but delicious, nothing, but nothing comes close to the beetroot juice they make.
It's hard to describe perfection, but imagine an earthy-sweet jewel coloured drink redolent with the mild flavour of beetroot as base with a few citrus-y top notes and a hit of sinus-clearing ginger to round it off. As you've probably noticed, I'm completely smitten. So much so that I shun all other juice options on offer when we visit the market, opting without fail for my beet-y favourite.
The only problem being that the market is only open once a week. And even worse - on some weekends we have other engagements, causing me to forfeit my fix... erm juice. *cough* But here's where it gets good. You see, a couple of years ago I made the fantastic decision to bond myself for life to TheHusband and in exchange for that I've received numerous awesome things from said man over the years - including my own juicer for my birthday this year. Score!
So my advice to you? Get your ass over to the market on Saturdays for your very own beetroot juice fix; alternatively beg, borrow or steal a juice extractor so you too can experience juiced up mornings, *every* morning. Unfortunately it'll have to be sans the limited edition TheHusband though.

Beetroot, Citrus & Ginger JuiceA Creative Pot originalMakes approximately 500ml (2 cups)
5 medium sized beetroots, tops trimmed and scrubbed1 large orange, peeled1 lemon, peeled+/- 2.5cm (1 inch) piece fresh ginger, peeled1. Feed all the ingredients through a juice extractor and serve immediately. Will also keep in fridge for a day or so.
Beetroot! Always when my father comes to visit I prepare this veg,his favourite.Haven't done it like this yet,so this will be a nice surprise;)
Not gonna lie, I've never really been a fan of beets. But I'm totally superficial and so that fabulous magenta hue is calling to me. I'll be stealing a juicer in the near future for this. But, uh. In case anyone asks...i didn't say that.
wow this is a neat juice and love the color
I think the real secret (that you are keeping from us!) is how you make this wonderful juice without turning everything in your kitchen a light shade of pink!
I'm also now extremely tempted to steal a juicer from somewhere! Gorgeous colour and I love ginger.
I must admit that I have been eyeing out juicers for the last few years. It is one of those appliances that I just never get around to committing myself to .... HOWEVER, I do believe that a glass of nectar MUST do one the world of good! This combo - beetroot and ginger are two ingredients that i am having an protracted love affair with - add in some citrus for them top notes and - well this must be heavenly ... which juicer did MrMr buy you and would u reccommend it - with summer on the way ... perhaps IT'S TIME!!! XXXX jan
@Janice It's the Breville one - works like a charm and would highly recommend it!
hmmmm... beetroot's not my thing but the colour is gorgeous! I'll probably find I'd be pleasantly surprised!
Beetroot juice is always superb and now with citrus and ginger I bet its one tasty juice. Love the post.
I love beetroot!! I will absolutely have to try this!(I also enjoy the Stellenbosch market!)
Time for a new post? :) Enjoy the weekend!
Wow that looks like a great recipe.
Your photographs are always gorgeous! It's one of my favourite juices, I get one every Wednesday at the Tokai market.
Beetroot and ginger are two of my favourite juice ingredients. Usually I like a little orange and apple for sweetness, too! This looks so lovely.
Vibrant, extremely healthy juice!
delicious looking colourful juice
check out the food palette series rainbow colours hope you can join
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