Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Choc Nut Fudge

Choc Nut Fudge

My Taste&Create partner for this month was The Bad Girl's Kitchen. Min created the blog as a meeting place for real women (and men!) who love food and a place to share recipes - and some pretty darn tasty ones by the looks of it. I was torn between quite a few recipes, like these Black Forest Upside Down Cakes or these Chocolate Covered Cherries, but in the end I settled on these chocolate-y peanut-y blocks of goodness. 

This has got to be the easiest fudge recipe out. Which is good, since I have a track record of dismal FAILures with past fudge-making attempts. Best of all is you can make them in the microwave in the space of oh, about 10 minutes. Which includes time to play with your cuddly little kitten. Hypothetical example of course...

These are deliciously gooey and awesome (and have I mentioned insanely chocolate-y?), and they scored full marks in the Creative household. The slight saltiness from the peanuts adds that extra layer of flavour that'll make you want to gobble up the entire tray at once. Not that I would ever do that. *Cough*

Choc Nut Fudge
Makes 36

2 x 100g dark chocolate slabs
1 x 100g milk chocolate slab
1 x 390g tin condensed milk
1/3 cup plus 1 tbsp peanut butter
1/2 cup salted peanuts
a pinch of salt

1. Break chocolate into a microwaveable bowl, add condensed milk and peanut butter and microwave on 60% heat for 4 minutes or until melted.
2. Stir, adding salt and peanuts until evenly combined. Pour into a greased 18 x 18cm dish, smoothing the top and place in the refrigerator for a few hours until set.

Nutritional info (per square): Calories 89.9, Total fat 4.7 g, Saturated fat 2.4 g, Polyunsaturated fat 0.5 g, Monounsaturated fat 1.1 g, Cholesterol 3.3 mg, Sodium 25.5 mg, Potassium 62.8 mg, Total carbohydrate 12.2 g, Dietary fiber 0.8 g, Sugars 10.7 g, Protein 2.0 g


  1. That is easy. Like you, I have been around the fudge failure block before (a few times) - especially with the microwave. I am going to give this a try. Have a gift I need to give on Friday - so this looks like something which a young student living alone could eat! - and share (NOT)!

  2. I am petrified of most fudge recipes. Anything that involves a candy thermometer and high heat does actually. This looks so fantastic though!

  3. Glad you liked the fudge~Hooray! It looks great with peanuts.

    The Bad Girl's Kitchen

  4. This is delight full and Joanne being ur sweetfren too, am inviting u here for her little party(its her birthday dear -i know that u know dear) which is a suprise party for her leave her a wish in the sprinkles feeds arent working so am trying my best to find all her pals to leave her a wish in the sprinkles before she gets there or even after....will ya help too to make it a little sucess....and leave her a wish too?

  5. I love the salty addition of the peanuts! I've been avoiding making fudge for awhile(it gets eaten far quicker than I like) but after seeing this I think I'm going to have to give in.

  6. Bad girl....bad bad girl. I thought it was safe to come back here but that flippin fudge is still winking and smiling at me! :o) Have a great weekend


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