As a friend whom we had afternoon coffee with remarked today, it's been raining for 24 hours straight over here, starting yesterday afternoon. Crazy right? Although, I must admit, I'm relishing the chance to cuddle up under a duvet in front of the television again - that's just something that's sorely missing from summer! I'm not a big sun-bunny (as is blatantly evident from my blindingly white legs), so I'm quite happy to embrace the wind and rain.
That said though, sometimes you yearn for something to make you feel a little bit more summery on the inside, and I think I've found the solution for that. This dish with it's bright colours will definitely put a smile on your dial and it's a lovely fresh take on cabbage salads (is it just me who's not a big fan of the gloopy mayo-y versions?). Plus you get to feel all virtuous while
Sunshine Salad
Adapted from Filipino Vegetarian Recipes
Serves 4 (as a side-dish)
1/4 large head of cabbage, sliced thinly
2 large carrots, sliced into matchsticks
1 small red bell pepper, sliced into thin strips
3 tbsp yellow mustard
2 tbsp honey
salt to taste
Toss everything together and serve cold. Deeeee-lish!
Nutritional info (per serving): Calories 50.0 , Total fat 0.7 g, Saturated fat 0.1 g, Polyunsaturated fat 0.2 g, Monounsaturated fat 0.3 g, Cholesterol 0.0 mg, Sodium 172.8 mg, Potassium 361.4 mg, Total carbohydrate 10.4 g, Dietary fiber 3.6 g, Sugars 1.9 g, Protein 2.1 g
Good source of: Vitamin A 110.4 %, Vitamin C 104.8 %
That, really is sunshine in a bowl....love the wolfing down bit!!!!
Who me? I'd never do such an unladylike thing... ;-)
I also hate mayo-laden coleslaw... This looks beautiful. Thanks for visiting my site - the feeling is mutual :-)
I have to confess that I love ALL cabbage salads - mayonnaisey or not. I think ALL cabbage should be eaten crunchy and raw :)
Confession - I even like eating raw cabbage as is - no dressings, no other ingredients, just the delicious crunch of the cabbage. I suppose something's gotta make up for my chocolate addiction...
Oh please, bring the sunshine! I love this salad and am a confirmed cabbage addict - cooked, raw, mayo or plain - you have me anyway!
....ek is nie 'n cabbage addict of 'n fan daarvan nie....
But I did try!!
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